Friday, July 1, 2022

How gullible do you have to be?

How self-centered do you have to be to put your re-election ahead of doing public good that you were elected for?


How power hungry do you have to be that you are prepared to sacrifice democracy in order to cling to power?


How spineless do you have to be that you have no ability to stand up to blatant lies told by a ruthless megalomaniac?


How ruthless do you have to be to tell blatant lies when you know they are so?


How heartless do you have to be to make statements like “banning assault weapons is off the table” after watching the carnage being committed using them?


How financially driven do you have to be to run a business that assist in perpetuating what you know to be lies? 


How greedy do you have to be to put the profits you make from making and selling weapons ahead of the harm they are causing in the society?


How cynical do you have to be in order to hide behind “Second Amendment” when you know it was not created with the modern society or weapons in mind?


How hypocritical do you have to be to believe that the lives of fetuses need to be protected but those of innocent victims of gun violence do not?


How racist do you have to be to believe in ideas such as The Replacement Theory?


How gullible do you have to be to believe that humans are not responsible for the rapid change in climate; vaccines don’t work; or it is not a gun problem, it is mental illness problem?

