Many of my friends and family are cutting cords with FaceBook (FB). Some of them have done it our of concerns with privacy, the others because they are opposed to FB (and other social media) contributing to the weakening of our democracy. It is a well-established fact that FB is a preferred platform for spreading disinformation and without facts at hand; people’s opinions are based on falsehood and lies. FB says that they can’t do much about it, which on the face of it sounds like self-serving baloney.
I respect the opinions of my friends and wonder about my own allegiance to FB. Why am I sticking with FB?
First the facts. I am a heavy user of FB, deriving all types of benefits. To begin with, FB serves as a showcase for my photographs. I am a serious amateur and have won some awards and accolades. Many of my FB friends enjoy seeing my work (or so they say) and I feel they will be disappointed if I stop posting. This factor was particularly important during the past year of being nomads and travelling. My FB friends appreciated the ongoing travelogue, and their compliments have boosted my ego (I admit).
The other reason is that FB allows me to keep in touch with far-flung friends and relatives. Many are my family members and friends in India, some are new folks I have met in my travels, and others are my fellow classmates/officemates. I enjoy reading about them, seeing their photographs, and discussing various topics. Further, FB has allowed me to find friends who I had lost touch with, sometimes for decades. It is so nice to reestablish our friendships. Finally, FB allows me to rant about whatever topic I feel like ranting about. It serves as a relief valve and allows me to connect with likeminded people.
So, departing from FB will cause a major disruption in my lifestyle. It is an addiction that will be hard to kick.
When I think about the privacy risks associated with my continued participation, I feel that the horse is already out of the barn. Even if I cutoff from my social media participation today, there is enough about me out there for someone intent on causing harm to do so. Besides, my Google searches and cookies I leave at all kinds of websites provide on-going fodder to those looking for details about who I am and what I like.
The other point, supporting an evil empire, is more difficult to argue with. I am reminded of one of my relatives who tells me that using air-conditioners is harmful to environment and I should stop using it. Another relative has curtailed flying because of Carbon footprint issues. I cannot disagree but have difficulty in meeting either one of them. I am very uncomfortable in hot rooms and travelling is one of my passions. So, I respond by saying that I am doing my best in other places to reduce harm I cause. For example by reducing the size of the place we call home.
So…to my friends who are abandoning FB due to moral issues, please allow me to indulge. I am doing good things for our society in other ways. For example, a couple of non-profits I have helped in recent years deal with education of inner city kids and immigrants. Perhaps they will learn to differentiate fact from fiction, even on FB. This will make a miniscule difference, if any, you say. But so will one person quitting FB out of two billion.