I have been reading up on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
lately. It is in response to my overall love for science and especially
physics. As I was going through a course on “Theory of Everything” I had a
question that I could not answer---something to do with what is called Twin
Paradox---and so I decided to revisit this topic.
In a nutshell, a crucial fact discovered by Einstein was
that light has the same speed in the vacuum of space, irrespective of frame of
reference of the observer. That leads to several weird consequences. For
example if a person is travelling close to the speed of light, his time goes
slower than that of a person observing him from earth. His space is also
compressed, so he travels a shorter distance to reach a destination than what
the observer on earth would expect. Space and time are thus dependent on your
frame of reference.
That means that
everyone experiences reality differently.
“Aha,” I said. That explains why my (fictitious) uncle Joe
has a different version of reality than I do. While I think Trump is a liar and
a cheat, he thinks of him as a great leader hounded by evil media.
I call this my Theory
of Relatives: Your relatives (and for that matter anyone else) experiences
reality differently than you do. I am sure you find it hard to imagine that
given the evidence in front of you, someone can come to such a different
conclusion. What world is uncle Joe living in, you may wonder. If you do, just
consider the poor slobs in the example I mentioned above to explain Theory of
Relativity. They cannot agree even on a simple fact of what time it is!
Einstein discovered something else. In his General Theory of Relativity he outlines
the role that gravity plays on time and space. It distorts space so that the
travelling fellow going through a gravity field has even more disagreement with
his earthbound companion on what time it is, because gravity slows down time.
Translate that into Theory of Relatives. If uncle Joe goes
though an experience related to his beliefs, he will disagree with you even
more. May be he goes to a Trump rally or shake his hands. This will have a
major impact on uncle Joe, just like the traveller passing through a
gravitational field.
Now, according to Einstein: “While measurements of space and
time may be independently differ for different observers, the spacetime is same
for everyone.” Yes, there is something called spacetime, and it gets into
fourth dimension and such. The point I am making is that even if our space
traveller and his earthbound friend don’t agree even on the most fundamental facts,
such as time, there is something absolute
out there. It is just that there is no way to experience it.
Same it is in Theory of Relatives. There is absolute truth
out there but we experience everything based on our frame of reference. There
is no escape. Theory of Relativity and Theory of Relatives bind us all.